cxxblog - evaluation

12 February 2021

It’s been nearly a year since I published cxxblog as my latest C++ project. Given just a few posts written since the beginning, it’s time to evaluate the state of the project and blog itself.

Software powering a blog is just one element needed in order to create a successful site. Another - and probably most important one - is content. While I’ve been working on some exciting projects and came across interesting topics, I never got around to actually write about them. Probably because whenever I wanted to do so, I was distracted by the fact that there are still some bugs and improvements in cxxblog that needs to be done. Instead of creating new content for the site, I was thinking when and how I would implement them - and since it would require significant amount of time and effort, I quickly got discouraged and just move to other tasks.

Unfortunately I came to the point that I would have to pick - either write a blogging software or use existing one and create content and I’ve decided that I would rather like to focus on the latter. With that conclusion in mind, I started looking around for lightweight software suited for my needs - and I found Jekyll. Since it comes with Markdown support and generates static HTML pages instead of serving pseudo-dynamic content, it was obvious choice for me. Luckily it was super easy to port existing page templates and styles to new platform. Existing articles needed some touch-up, but I got them working in no time. As a bonus, I also ported my old entry about Raspberry Pi-based Surveillance Camera.

Once porting was done, there’s nothing left to do for me except deploy it and focus on new entries.